Surprising facts about Health
With new studies and reports being released daily it can be hard to keep track of what’s new in health and wellness. To help you stay on top of your health knowledge we’ve put together 10 health-related facts that just might surprise you. Drinking coffee can prevent depression. …
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10 Simple Ways To Eat Less Without Noticing
What you eat is important, but even healthy food can stop you from losing weight if you eat too much of it. So, given below are some of the tips of eating less without noticing. Use smaller plates …
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10 Tips to prevent Cancer
Looking for ways to cut your risk of developing cancer? Here’s some tips to prevent cancer. Avoid using tobacco and alcohol consumption. …
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Myths about Breast Cancer
Until and unless people experience breast cancer in their own lives, or they are close to someone who are suffering, they might not be able to separate myth from fact when it comes to this disease: who gets it and why, for example, or what treatment involves. Breast cancer is one of the better-known and more-talked-about cancers, but there are…
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5 Blood-sugar fighting exercises
Now-a-days, people of all ages suffer from high blood sugar or diabetes. However, there are several ways of lowering your blood sugar level and get diabetes under control. Exercise is one of the great solution, as it uses increased sugar for energy, and it can bring your increased blood sugar level to a controlled level. Here are 5 exercises which…
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25 Interesting facts about Human Body
Your fingernails grow 4 times as fast as your toenails. Nails grow faster in summer than in winter. Men’s nails grow faster than women’s. An adult is made up of around 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion)atoms. Infants are born with approximately 300 bones, but as they grow some bones fuse together. By the time, they reach adulthood, they have 206 bones.…
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How to get good sleep at night?
A good sleep at night is important for all individual’s health as it is plays a vital role in physical and mental health. But people now-a-days are not able to gain sound and quality sleep which is directly or indirectly affecting the health of individuals. There may be lots of factors that may affect sound sleep at night like unhealthy…
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10 Tips to control your Anger
Anger is a normal and healthy emotion like joy and fear that occurs when an individual gets hurt, annoyed or disappointed. However, it’s important to control anger as it’s neither appropriate nor healthy to loose temper. If an individual is unable to control their anger then they may get different health problems such as high blood pressure, heart problems, headache…
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