New virus leaked from Factory at China, Thousands of people are infected and thousands are in danger

The COVID-19 virus pandemic hasn’t controlled yet and it is rapidly growing in the world. Again, a new virus called Brucellosis has leaked at a biopharmaceutical company. Many people from Lanzhou city, the capital of Gansu Province, China have tested positive for a bacterial disease. The Health comission of Lanzhoue city has confirmed that, among 2.9 millions of total population in the city, 21,847 people are tested and 3,245 have resulted positive.

Symptoms and Causes of the Virus:
Brucellosis, also called as Malta fever or Mediterranean fever has symptoms like headaches, muscle pain, fever and fatigue. Some symptoms of brucellosis virus can become chronic or never go away, like arthritis or swelling in certain organs. This infection outbreak has also traced its origin to animals like sheep, cattle and pigs as that of Corona Virus.
Effects of Virus:
The infection of Brucellosis can affect almost any part of the body, including reproductive system, liver, heart and central nervous system. The chronic form brucellosis may cause complications throughout the body or any particular organ.


Hello guys, Myself Sangam from Pokhara, an IT student who has dream to bring a new revolution in Technology in Nepal via hardwork and team spirit.

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