People getting united to reappoint Kulman Ghising as Executive Director of NEA

A decade before 2073 BS, people used to live with 18 hours load-shedding per day. People never ever thought that 18 hours of load shedding would be eliminated. It was not even estimated that it would decrease by only 7 hours.
With a few months of being appointed as the Executive Director of the Electricity Authority, Kulman Ghising simply removed the dreadful shadow of darkness that candles, solar and inverters could not remove. The sun shone brightly in the minds of the citizens.
People were very happy and with the blink, the four-year tenure of Ujyalo Nirmata has ended on 28 September 2077.
People are hoping that they will have Kulman Ghising appointed as the Executive Director of the Electricity Authority. Regarding the appointment of Kulman Ghising people are united with each other.
Load shedding free society and Kulman Ghising have become synonymous with each other so many times. This language is manifested through social media.
At this time, the whole society is united in favour of Kulman Ghising. However, the government is not united. The ruling party is not united. The government does not like him as a ‘hero’ in Nepali society. Citizens are putting pressure on government reappoint.
It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. There is a fear among the general public that if someone else becomes the executive director, he will not be as successful as Kulman, that the load-shedding will resurface and the country will become dark. As the pain of load shedding has not disappeared from the mind, a wave of people has been seen in favour of Kulman.
NEA has already lit the lamp under the leadership of Kulman. The government can no longer be deprived of the right to live in the light. We should not go dark again by making the producers of load shedding executive directors.
Kulman has made the post of executive director of Nepal Electricity Authority dignified. Who came and who went? It is considered to be the decisive term for burning light.

Sandhya Paudel

Hello! I am Sandhya Paudel, an MBBS student at Nepal Medical College, an enthusiast with a vision to inspire, encourage, and empower others. Find me below.

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