Nepalese companies claim to successfully disinfect paper money
Khems clinic and Rapid surgical claims their machine can disinfect the paper money including some household suppliments

Money being the greatest risk factor for transmission of Corona virus infection, Khems cleaning and Rapid surgical has come with a machine to ‘disinfect’ rupee notes. The company claims that the machine, which went public today, will eliminate the virus in paper money.
The company told that the machine could disinfect not only the money in the banks but also household items other than regular hospital supplies and water. PPE masks, glasses, watches and other clothes can be disinfected at the hospital along with the money in the banks by this machine. The company director said that any item can be disinfected in 30 seconds to 4 minutes.
The machine has been made public in the market after being tested at Kumari Bank in New Road. At a time when the coronavirus is plaguing the world, it is believed that it will be easier to disinfect our daily necessities, including money.