Nabil Bank to provide loan upto 2 Lakhs without any interest, here’s how you can avail it!

Buy bicycles worth upto Rs Two Lakhs without any interest, without any down payment!

Nabil Bank recently announced to provide a loan to anyone who wants to buy a ‘bicycle’. Suresh Tripathi, an information officer of the bank, said that the scheme was introduced due to the closure of Gym halls and people being very conscious about their health.

According to Tripathi, customers must have a credit card issued from the bank for this scheme. Under this scheme,

Nabil Bank announced to provide a loan to buy a ‘bicycle’. Suresh Tripathi, information officer of the bank, said that the scheme was introduced due to the closure of Gym halls and people being very conscious about their health.

According to Tripathi, customers must have a credit card issued from the bank for this scheme. Under this scheme, customers will not have to make any down payment and no interest will be charged when buying bicycles up to Two Lakhs (Rs 200,000).

“If you buy a bicycle that is more expensive than Two Lakhs, you can do so by making a down payment of the amount that is more than Rs 200,000,” said Tripathi, the bank’s information officer. According to him, the monthly installment can be paid accordingly by dividing the price of the bicycle into 18 months.

The bank has entered into agreements with Kathmandu Bike Station at Pani Pokhari and Chalise & Sons of Pokhara for this scheme. The bank is confident that the scheme will be convenient for those who want to buy a bicycle but find it difficult to pay at once.

Sagar Paudel

Hello! I am Sagar Poudel, a Civil Engineer by profession, sports fanatic, and a technophile who loves to write. Follow the links to reach me!

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