I struggle with being bored a lot in Quarantine i am sure you’re too. I have never being as bored as i am right now like its crazy . So I came up with 10 things you can do in quarantine when you’re alone and bored.
- Read a book and learn a new word / Study
2. Do an online courses/ learn new languages /learn to do new hairstyles/learn makeup
3. Start a Youtube channel (even if you never make the videos public)
4. Try new recipes / try baking a cake or bread loaf
5. Organise something you’ve been needing to organise for ages/ Do some cleaning
6. Do a workout/ Stretch for your splits/ Learn a new gymnastics move
7. Learn a new instrument (Guitar, piano etc.)
8. Make a new morning/evening routine to yourself
9. Learn how to do gardening
10. Challenge yourself daily with new things