CNN Heroes of Nepal
True icons are larger than life, unforgettable with an elegance that's mesmerizingly timeless-Those are the CNN heroes of Nepal.

Everyone has heard about the most popular names Anuradha Koirala and Pushpa Basnet. They are the CNN heroes of Nepal. The happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others. Here we are with a thought that “Once you stand up against all odds to uplift your society, with pure, uncorrupt, unconditional love, even the peaks will bow before your determination”.
Here we are going to tribute their contribution with a short explanation of their social works which has made them a role model for many individuals.
1. Anuradha Koirala

Anuradha Koirala is the founder and director of the non-profit organization, Maiti Nepal, which advocates against human trafficking and dedicated to helping victims of sex trafficking in Nepal. The main objective of Maiti Nepal is to provide full prevention from girls trafficking, rescuing and rehabilitating the survivors, supporting for justice in the cases of the rescued women and girls, and ensuring that effective immediate action is taken against their traffickers.
She won the CNN Hero of the Year award in 2010. She has been called the “Mother Teresa” of Nepal for her work.
2. Pushpa Basnet

Pushpa Basnet is a social worker and the founder of Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) and Butterfly Home, non-profit organizations, in Kathmandu, Nepal. Pushpa is trying to raise the funds to build a home for her 45 children that she has saved a life who was in prison. The children were living in prison with a parent who was incarcerated and there was no other place for them to live until. Pushpa Basnet has been awarded CNN Hero Award 2012.
Furthermore, Our Nepalese Idols are many more like Sitaram Kattel, Tara Devi Tuladhar, Bhumika Shrestha, etc. which can be our role model. The first pilot instructor of Nepal Sabina Shrestha is also an idol for many girls.
Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.
– Mother Teresa.