A play named “Bodhi Chhaaya” is currently running at Rastriya NachGhar,Jamal.It’s written and directed by Kavita Srinivasan. The play potryas the different stages of life of Lord Gautam Budhha. “It’s a mixture of different form of arts such as acting,dance,music and many more” said Srinivasan to Sajha Entertainment.
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Similarly, the play is targeted to international audience and to promote the cultural,historical aspect of Nepal.The different form of Nepali dance, visuals,lights,acts,music and narration of the whole life of Siddhartha Gautam has made this entire play wonderful to see.
The team of Bodhi Chhaya is planning to show the play for a year at Nachghar.
A play named “Bodhi Chhaaya” is currently running at Rastriya NachGhar,Jamal.It’s written and directed by Kavita…
Gepostet von Sajha Entertainment am Montag, 18. September 2017